Ubisoft continues to mend Rainbow Six: Siege

On the official forum Ubisoft held a conference with the creators of Rainbow Six: Siege, in which players can ask any questions of interest to them. Course, there was the subject of errors in the game. Someone asked why when playing an opponent sometimes die in a different place than it seemed to us that it is or what is responsible for the situation in which visually appears that foe missiles, but they do not inflict damage. Developers admit that there are several reasons for this situation, as even considerable delay between taking an action, what provides the server and what he sees another player. This bug will be fixed in the latest patch, like the mistake with the appropriate reading of the position held by the disc player and a bad recording of gunfire during suspension on line. Moreover, as the authors explain, sometimes for the above mentioned mistakes it simply responds poorly presented posthumous camera. She also will see an improvement in the next patch.
The game also will be improved by increasing the refresh rate position player by the server. So far this happens 30 times per second. After changing this value will be doubled, so getting around will be more correctly recorded and passed on to other people. Another problem relates to connecting to the wrong server center. As creators admit, sometimes it happens that the game simply connects to the wrong server, which generally has a negative effect on the gameplay. Creators ensure that it will also be revised later this month, and the patch also solve the problem of high pings.
In addition, developers Rainbow Six: Siege admit that they are now satisfied with the work safety system game against fraud, although not reveal anything about him, so as not to expose it to break. We also learned that the team has plans to provide all the maps for each game mode, there are no plans, however, the introduction to the gameplay or the alpha-known tactical map, or adding new "situation". In the more distant future for the team of developers wants to make this possible change in personalization and accessories Operator (and therefore specialization) between matches, without having to leave the multiplayer mode. It is also a chance that, over time in Rainbow Six: Siege appears more parts for the rifles (the topic has not yet closed), a global list of the best players divided by example. Modes of play and the possibility of incarnation in the audience and watching others play. Another planned novelty that will only "time" is a special video mode for color-blind.

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